Why You Need A Lawyer For A Tennessee Paternity Case

Establishing the paternity of a child is one of the best things that you can do for every member of that family. There are many benefits to determining the parentage of a child, but the legal process can be complex. Hiring a qualified attorney like those at Fort, Holloway, & Rogers in Williamson County to assist with a paternity case can ensure that everything is done properly and that your rights are protected throughout the process. To learn more about how a lawyer can help, call or contact our office to schedule a consultation.
Filing Legal Documentation
One of the benefits of hiring a qualified attorney to handle a paternity case is that a lawyer will ensure that the legal documentation is filed properly. When both parents agree on the paternity of a child, an attorney can create and submit a Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity that identifies both parents. However, if a parent does not agree on the biological father, it is important that both sides have legal representation for the court case. Petitions and answers must be submitted to the court for all parties involved to ensure that the correct procedures are taken in the case.
Defending and Asserting Rights
Another benefit of hiring an experienced paternity lawyer for a Tennessee parentage case is that an attorney can defend and assert the rights of their client throughout this process. For the mother and child, a lawyer can file a paternity action to compel the testing of a potential biological father. For a potential father, a lawyer can ensure that the proper genetic testing is complete and accurate before a court determines that he is the father of a child, along with all the related obligations and responsibilities.
Managing Related Legal Matters
Lastly, a knowledgeable attorney can assist with managing all related legal matters associated with the establishment of paternity. One of the first big decisions is how much a father wishes to be in their child’s life. Sole or joint custody must be determined along with the legal and physical custody of the child. A lawyer can help structure a parenting plan that is in everyone’s best interests.
Another major issue related to parentage is the determination of child support. One of the obligations of parenthood is that both a father and mother are obligated to provide financially for their child. Tennessee laws provide guidance on the proper amount of child support, but many other factors can affect the total amount of support for a child. A lawyer can ensure that a child receives exactly the support they need to provide for their care and wellbeing.
Call or Contact Us Now
Are you interested in learning more about how a lawyer can help in your paternity case in Williamson County? If so, the experienced Franklin family law attorneys at Fort, Holloway, & Rogers are here to help. Call the office or contact us now to schedule a consultation of your case.