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Franklin Divorce Attorney > Columbia Child Support Attorney

Columbia Child Support Attorney

Both parents have a legal obligation to provide for the financial needs of minor children under Tennessee law, and this duty exists separate from their own personal relationship. Therefore, child support issues may arise in connection with divorce, legal separation, paternity, and other contexts. Tennessee family laws consider parents to be the natural guardians of minor children, equally responsible for their care, welfare, and support.

The vast majority of parents are willing to pay their fair share, but disputes over child support can erupt considering the combination of emotion and financial factors. It is wise to trust our team at Fort, Holloway, & Rogers, LLC for assistance, whether you are on the paying or receiving end. Please contact our office today to set up a consultation with a Columbia child support attorney who can advise you on guidelines and other details. You can also read on for a summary of the laws.

How Child Support Laws and Guidelines Work

Child custody is a key factor when a court determines child support, since it will be the nonresidential parent who makes payments to the parent who has primary residential custody. In general, child support is intended to cover the costs of raising the child, including food, basic necessities, and clothing; it may also go toward health care, education, and child care expenses.

The amount to be paid by the nonresidential parent works according to the Tennessee child support guidelines, which focus on the income of both parents. Note that income is more than what you might earn through work. All sources of income must be included, such as:

  • Investments;
  • Pension and related benefits;
  • Insurance payments;
  • Workers’ compensation;
  • Public assistance and government benefits; and
  • Many others.

The guidelines are applied to adjusted gross income to determine the child support amount; however, the judge can deviate up or down from the guidelines if doing so would be in the child’s best interests. 

Legal Help with Child Support Issues

As with other family law matters, working out an agreement is the ideal option for resolving child support. You might resolve any outstanding disputes via mediation, but the court will hold a contested hearing if parents are still far apart on child support. The judge will review adjusted gross income and apply the statutory guidelines, but might also consider whether a deviation is appropriate.

Fort, Holloway, & Rogers, LLC will support you throughout the proceedings, with particular focus on making sure parents are properly reporting income. We will also assess whether deviations from the guidelines are appropriate for extraordinary expenses.  Our Columbia child support attorneys will develop a strategy and assemble factual evidence to reinforce your position for a deviation, balancing the needs of the child while ensuring fairness.

Get Legal Help from Our Columbia Child Support Attorneys

This synopsis of Tennessee law is informative, but it also reveals that skilled legal help is critical when facing child support issues. For more information, please call 931-901-2300 or go online to reach Fort, Holloway, & Rogers, LLC. We can schedule a consultation with a Columbia child support lawyer who will advise you on the specifics.

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