Category Archives: Estate Planning

Why Estate Planning Matters for Seniors
For seniors, estate planning can provide necessary peace of mind, and help to ensure that assets will be distributed according to their wishes after they are gone. A lifetime of saving and investing deserves to be protected by a well-crafted estate plan that can serve the testator and their family. Beyond asset distribution, estate… Read More »

The Surprising Costs of NOT Having an Estate Plan
Most families have immediate concerns that they are juggling and navigating through every day. Particularly in tough economic times, it can be hard to invest in processes – such as building an estate plan – that you may not fully understand. However, the importance of an estate plan cannot be overstated! It is not… Read More »

Spousal Inheritance and the Elective Share
One of the most controversial works left behind by William Shakespeare is actually not Macbeth, nor any other elaborate poetry or drawn-out scene. Shakespeare’s most controversial work may very well be his own last will and testament – finalized merely a month before his death. The will specifies that various items be left to… Read More »

Why You Need an Estate Plan – and Why You Shouldn’t Wait
Most people know the most basic idea behind estate planning: it is important that we have our affairs in order in case the unthinkable happens. While everyone knows the importance of building an estate plan, it is frequently just one of those things that falls off the radar. Procrastination is one of the biggest… Read More »

Importance of Estate Planning for Young Families
Many families with young kids will have been exposed to the Saturday-morning-cartoon version of wealth. Things like reclusive ducks swimming in oceans of gold coins, and mega mansions sprawled on top of a tiny emerald-green hill. When we compare this to our own, more realistic estate and possessions it might be easy to feel… Read More »

How Will A Tennessee Divorce Affect Your Estate Plan?
Each year may be made up of 521,600 minutes, but when you are going through a disruptive, strenuous divorce, every one of those minutes might feel like a year in and of itself. It may feel like keeping up with the various questions that absolutely need to be answered now is all you can… Read More »

Gift Taxes And Tennessee Estate Planning
It is not uncommon for people to re-evaluate their estate plans during the holiday season. In a world where so much is uncertain, and some family members may be struggling, it is only natural that we may seek out ways we might utilize our resources to help our loved ones. Those with many assets… Read More »

Disinheritance In Tennessee Wills
“Can you totally disinherit a child in Tennessee?” You need only look at the latest entertainment news articles surrounding the untimely death of Naomi Judd (Judd) in Tennessee earlier this year to see why the question is making the rounds. The entertainment world was recently shocked to discover that, upon review of the late… Read More »

Benefits Of Creating An Estate Plan
No one likes to contemplate their mortality but creating an estate plan can provide many benefits to you and your loved ones now and into the future. An experienced Franklin estate planning attorney like those at Fort, Holloway & Rogers can help craft an estate plan that best fits your needs and your wishes… Read More »

How To Avoid Probate In Tennessee
After a person passes away, their estate must pass through the legal probate process before their assets can be distributed to their heirs. However, there are ways to bypass the probate system in part or entirely, depending on the particulars of your estate. The experienced Franklin estate planning lawyers at Fort, Holloway, & Rogers… Read More »