Category Archives: Divorce

High-Asset Divorce: Streamlining the (Potentially) Long Road
This past year was a record-breaking year for many reasons. One item that flew under the radar was that we saw some of the longest-ever Hollywood divorces finally come to a close. Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan finalized their divorce after six years, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie finally just finalized after eight years,… Read More »

Military Divorce and Healthcare
Military members, and their immediate family, enjoy certain benefits. One major benefit to military families is the medical health insurance extended to military members, as well as their spouses and children. Of course, this means that non-military spouses who are actively receiving military healthcare benefits due to their spouse’s military standing have some additional… Read More »

You Want a Divorce Attorney: Here’s 4 Reasons Why
Divorce can lead to a lot of uncertainty. One way people might try to regain a sense of control, or think they can save money, is by not engaging with an attorney in the course of their divorce case. While we understand these thoughts, a professional attorney simply knows things that the average person… Read More »

Tennessee Divorce and Taxes: Can Both Parents Claim the Kids as Dependents?
It is hard to anticipate every twist and turn or issue that can arise while settling a divorce agreement, particularly when minor children are involved. One of the thorny issues that often goes overlooked until you are facing it is the question of who gets to claim the minor children as a dependent on… Read More »

How to Change a Parenting Plan in Tennessee
Often, after parents have completed a divorce or have otherwise obtained an official Permanent Parenting Plan, one or both parents will want (or need) to change some aspect of the child’s schedule, or alter another piece of the permanent parting plan. But can one do that? If so, how? This article will help parents… Read More »

What Does a Family Lawyer Do in Tennessee?
A Tennessee family lawyer practices family law – but what does that actually mean? Family law encapsulates many different things and plays a role in many different scenarios. A family lawyer is often called upon to advise a member of a family who is navigating through some domestic-related issue. This could mean anything –… Read More »

Planning for Financial Ripples from Tennessee Divorce
Divorce is, inevitably, a very challenging and emotional process. Like any major life change or decision, the effects of divorce can ripple out into the future in countless ways. If you are going through a divorce in Tennessee, anticipating these financial ramifications and strategically planning how to handle the changes to come is crucial… Read More »

Financial Disclosure in Tennessee Divorce
Shakespeare penned Juliet’s famous line “parting is such sweet sorrow.” Divorce could often be described in a similar fashion. Couples approaching a divorce, or finding themselves thrust into the thick of it, likely have conflicted emotions on the paths opening up ahead: as well as the doors closing behind them. But one thing that… Read More »

Crucial Things Often Forgotten when Planning a High-Asset Divorce: Part 2
As we discussed in part one of this two-part series on things often overlooked or forgotten when planning for a high-asset divorce: you can anticipate several key things in divorce. Other factors might sneak in and be a pitfall in your path forward. The dedicated attorneys at Fort, Holloway & Rogers are here at… Read More »

Mediation in Tennessee Divorce
Ariana Grande is “Boq” again and whipping up controversy. As many readers will know, Ms. Grande will be filling the shoes of Galinda the good witch in the upcoming film adaptation of “Wicked,” the book and fan-favorite Broadway musical. What has made a bigger splash in news headlines ahead of the release is that… Read More »