Benefits Of Virtual Visitation In Tennessee Custody Cases

In an increasingly digital world, the ways in which we communicate and connect with loved ones has expanded to include many forms of virtual communication. Many parents in Tennessee child custody cases are taking advantage of these methods of communication and incorporating them into their custody and visitation plans. There are many benefits to virtual visitation with a child, and the experienced attorneys at Fort, Holloway, & Rogers can help determine if utilizing virtual visitation methods is right for your custody case. To learn more, call or contact our office to schedule a consultation of your case.
What is Virtual Visitation?
Virtual visitation is the use of digital communication to facilitate connection between a parent and a child. There are many ways to utilize virtual visitation, including the use of cell phones, webcam visits, video conferencing, text messages, instant messages, social media, email, and more. Virtual visitation is not meant to completely replace in person custody or visitation with a child but supplement those visits, especially when there is significant distance or time apart between a parent and a child.
Similar to an in-person custody or visitation schedule, the parents or court determine a schedule of when the virtual visits occur as well as what methods are utilized to facilitate communication. Violations of the virtual components of a child custody agreement by either parent are taken just as seriously as a custodial parent who refuses to allow in-person visits with the non-custodial parent, and the parents must agree to provide all necessary information and technology to each other and the child to facilitate communication in virtual formats.
Benefits of Virtual Visitation
There are many benefits to using forms of virtual visitation as part of a custody or visitation schedule. Virtual visitation is particularly beneficial in cases of relocation by either parent or the child, where the distance between them is significant and can result in less in-person time between them. This method of visitation is beneficial from a cost perspective, with internet usage being far less expensive than plane tickets, train tickets, and mileage on a vehicle. Another benefit of virtual visitation is the ability to create more meaningful communication between in-person visits, particularly if the parent and child are using face to face virtual methods like video conferencing to talk.
Virtual visitation is also beneficial to the parent-child relationship because it can provide methods for a child to communicate with a parent free of censorship or review by the other parent. Texting, email, and other forms of virtual communication can give a child the chance to speak openly and freely with a parent about all types of issues going on in their life outside of when they are just face to face. To learn more about the benefits of virtual visitation, talk to our office today.
Call or Contact Our Office Now
Are you interested in learning more about virtual visitation and determining whether it would be right for your child custody case? If so, the experienced and knowledgeable Franklin family attorneys at Fort, Holloway, & Rogers are here to help. Call the office or contact us online now to schedule an evaluation of your custody or visitation matter today.